Friday, 18 December 2009

Woman on the London Tube - A story of true heroism.

So I was on the London underground at about 6.20pm UK time today (Friday), Eastbound on the Central Line. A gang of about 10 quite obviously drunk football fans got onto my coach, and started drunkenly yelling rather unpleasant football songs, mostly relating to WWII and how England was generally great.

At one stop a guy of Asian descent tried to get onto the train; he couldn't because the mob of chanting, drunken football louts had blocked the door. He gave up and went to another door, and one of the group shouted at him:

"F*ck off you P*ki c*nt!"

At which point a lightly-built Asian woman, no older than me (I'm 28), stood up and remonstrated with the kid (about 18 I reckon) at the centre of the drunken mob who had shouted the abuse. She told him in no uncertain terms to apologise and to recognise that what he had said was unacceptable. She was a waif of a girl, and wouldn't have stood a chance against even one of these thugs, let alone all 10, but she fearlessly told him in no uncertain terms at the top of her voice that what he had said was wrong, and why.

I thought about intervening, but if I'd got involved (I'm a big guy, and was wearing a leather jacket and a woolly hat that made me look like a Hell's Angel) I'd have turned a debate into a fight by my mere presence, so I stood down, ready to intervene if it looked like they were going to attack her. Thanks to her remarkable persuasive ability, by the time these idiots got off the train, they were literally lining up to apologise to her. I shook her hand and she received a round of heartfelt applause from the entire carriage.

We talk about courage and heroism, but rarely do we see it in such terms. This woman, who could have stood with her head bowed and toughed it out until this rabble left the train, chose to put herself in potentially mortal danger for the sake of what was right. That is true courage and heroism and represents everything that is truly great about my country. That these thugs could commit such foul-mouthed racist abuse on the one hand, and sing songs about Winston Churchill and the hundreds of thousands of his generation who died in to defend the values of tolerance and fairness that these morons chose to desecrate on the other beggars all belief. It took a woman of a descent not of these isles to stand up for and defend that which is truly British. Of that I am in the utmost awe. I am not worthy to kiss this amazing woman's shoes.

For those of you in London, please help me find this woman. She deserves a fucking knighthood for being the most British person on the train that evening. Email with where this happened and what was said.

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